A – Articles in English

666 illustration

777 not 666

Kids (as well as us adults) can get scared this time of year, with all the emphasis on the devil, witches, ghosts, and goblins. I’ll never forget when the kids in my…

slasher face

Slasher Movies & Horror Houses: Unhealthy Fear

Throughout the month of October, horror or “slasher” movies are on TV for Halloween. Movies such as Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, Child’s Play, and others show stabbings, people chopping…


God’s Emergency Numbers

When you feel sad – call John 14 When you are lonely or fearful – call Psalm 23 When you have sinned – call Psalm 51 When you grow bitter and critical…

cup of coffee

Stress-Free Mornings

Mornings don’t have to be crazy. You can enjoy the mornings with your children, including a sit-down breakfast without the fuss. Prep work is key to starting your day off right. Get…

Outwit, outplay, outlast — Clothes, that is!

Wait! Don’t throw those pants away. Don’t give those faded hand-me-downs to the next on the list! Outwit the stores; make it new. Outlast the past; make it better than new. Outplay…

broken mannequins

Healing for the Shattered Soul

Recognizing that many women have suffered some kind of abuse in their lifetime, we have asked Karen Rogers Duckett to help us figure out how to work through the pain and scars…

Why Eat Together as a Family?

How does your family eat meals? Do you each reach for something easy or heat up some leftovers separately, whenever you are hungry? Do you eat on the go, maybe grabbing a…

When Everything Screams: “Go Back!”

I laid there in the fetal position; nothing could comfort me. My marriage of twenty years was ending. Just four years prior I had left the only job I had ever known…

The Little Book that Made a Big Difference

I heard about Jesus when I was in a Bible study in a basement in the Bronx, NY. It was up the block from my house. I was fourteen years old, soon…

March On in Strength!

Hello, dear friend, Have you ever done something that was hard? I mean really hard? Like making a positive change in your life? Once you decide to do something to make your…

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