Tu historia: ¡Cuenta las maravillas!

A menudo escucho la Biblia en lugar de leerla. (Gracias a la aplicación her.BIBLE, puedo escuchar a distintas mujeres de diversas etnias leer la Nueva Traducción Viviente). Mientras escuchaba, un versículo me…

Your Story: Tell the Amazing Things!

I often listen to the Bible rather than reading it. (Thanks to the her.BIBLE app, I can listen to different women from a number of ethnicities read the New Living Translation.) While…

Something in Me Died That Day – video

by J.C. Something in me died that day. I just knew I had gone too far, and I made one last bad choice.   Hear Jenn’s whole story, and how, with God, her…

Cool Ideas for Hot Days and Nights

We asked friends for their cool ideas on hot days and nights. Here’s what they had to say… Most people thought about food and drink! Spindrift seltzer water with no additional sugars…

La historia de Tonya

Si estás en un programa, no lo abandones. La gente está ahí para ayudarte. No son perfectos. Tú tampoco lo eres. Pero Dios te está ayudando. No te pierdas de lo que…

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