Jen Coolidge

I am a woman humbled by the personal involvement of God and his great grace offered to me through Jesus. I just can’t get over that He came after me, that He keeps pursuing my wandering heart and that in His great Scheme of Things called “Life”, He even has a purpose for which I am just so suited. Bonkers how a perfect God can use imperfect lil ole’ me for anything good, but He does! It is all Him in me. And the GREAT THING about it all, is that salvation, purpose and relationship with Him is not just for me?! Nope, it’s for ANYONE WHO WILL BELIEVE! So that is my goal, to compel people to believe. To trust in His love; be it through sharing my testimony, acts of kindness or any another medium, may all that I am point people to Him & through me possibly, come to know His love is real. Jesus IS real…,

I’m Never Turning Back

By D.M. I’m 51,  and I’m a Christian. I live in Carthage Missouri in a homeless shelter. I’ve been here about 9 months or more now and recently found God. I never…

Not Guilty

My eyes widened in amazement, and my heart leapt with great joy as I beheld the layout of my article printed in the Reach Up magazine! I was honored and humbled, both…

An Odyssey of Change

Not Guilty. My eyes wondered in amazement, and my heart leaped with great joy, as I beheld to the layout of my article printed in the Reach Up magazine. I was honored…

Sobriety Doesn’t Equal Recovery

by C.T. I am a grateful believer in Jesus Christ, who is in recovery from childhood trauma, adult trauma, and drug abuse. As a result, I still struggle with anger, abandonment, anxiety,…

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