Relationships & Family

It’s been said, “You can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them.” Does that sound a little like your relationships with friends, coworkers, roommates 
 and family? Today is always a good day to figure out how to best handle your relationships, whether they are the most wonderful, or the most awful, or any kind in between.

Get to Your Child First

Get to Your Child First

Human trafficking is such a big problem that there are signs inside bathroom stalls with phone numbers for help. We ...
Motherhood + Work: A Mother's Love

Motherhood + Work: A Mother’s Love

I remember the day I heard the doctor say, “You’re pregnant.” That news caused a flood of overwhelming emotions. I ...
It Could Have Been That Way!

It Could Have Been That Way!

Reach UP It is common to hear about Mary and the birth of baby Jesus during the Christmas season. So, ...
I Need a Hug and Maybe You Do Too

I Need a Hug and Maybe You Do Too

A father attending Dr. Bob Bradbury’s Sanity Circus, a six-week parenting conference, in Seattle, Washington, asked what to do when ...
shaken baby

Shaken Baby Syndrome

The Following Article is From an Open Letter by a Mother Whose Little Son Died From Being Shaken: My name ...
happy family

Forgiveness – One of the Secrets to Happiness

Forgiveness is for YOU, NOT the other person! As a youth pastor of a large ministry in Brooklyn, New York, ...
ladies walking hand in hand

Sister Sister

Sometimes while we are getting our lives together, we have to live — shall we say, a little too close ...
Letter from Editor - Spring 2020

Letter from Editor – Spring 2020

What do you think of when you hear sisterhood? Noisy marches with silly hats? Old-fashioned women with nothing more to ...
lady with child in heart shape

Momma Knows Best

My Momma don’t like you 
and she likes everyone And I never like to admit that I was wrong But ...
Be the Parent Your Child Needs You to Be

Be the Parent Your Child Needs You to Be

Don’t just Survive, Thrive this next School Year! We all want our children to do well in school. Teachers matter, ...

Jelly Beans Tell the Easter Story

What child can resist the bright colors and sweet taste of jelly beans? Grab a handful of jelly beans and ...
arrow coming through wall

My Wall of Denial Goes Down!!

Little was I aware that the decision I made at 17 would steal my innocence and change my life forever ...