Letter from the Editor – Spring 2017

Crystal Knapp

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To my new and dear friend,

I’d like to introduce you to Mary.

She has an interesting story because when she was young, she was out of control, quite unlikable, messed up, and from the bad part of town. And she lived in the time of Jesus.

In the Bible she’s known as Mary Magdalene. In those days if your name was common, folks added your hometown to your name so they could figure out who you were. Magdalena was Mary’s hometown; it’s a pretty name, but it had a bad reputation. So not only did she come from the rough side of town, but the Bible says Jesus cast seven demons out of her (Luke 8:2). Like I said, messed up! We aren’t told many details, but we can imagine! Yet when Jesus stepped in, everything changed.

Mary was set free from the evil taskmaster of sin. Her change was so real that she chose to become a devoted follower of Jesus. We’re told she gave money to His ministry, she stuck with Jesus during His unfair trial and murder on the cross, and she volunteered to prepare His body for burial.

Mourning deeply, she was one of the first who returned to His tomb to anoint His body for burial according to their traditions. But she found the tomb open and empty. That discovery crushed her and she began to sob. Jesus heard those cries and chose to reveal Himself as the risen Christ to her first! He simply said her name, “Mary,” and she knew that she knew He was not dead, but alive. Hope lived again.

Maybe you understand what it’s like to have a bad reputation, or perhaps your world has caved in and is out of control. Life may seem hopeless, but that doesn’t have to be the way your story ends! The people who gave you this magazine can help. Jesus can change you and deliver you out of problems that seem too deep for help.

Your first step is to ask! Talk to Jesus. Fancy words aren’t needed. A cry or even a thought is a good start. When you allow Jesus to take control, your world can turn around. And, like Mary Magdalene, a shameful past can fade to only a mere memory.

Praying for you and your new life,

Crystal Wacker Knapp


P.S. Enjoy the other articles on healthy eating, headache cures and even thoughts about further education as they help you make positive steps forward!

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